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 ......Kirtan and itz background......

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Number of posts : 70
Age : 38
Registration date : 2007-07-23

......Kirtan and itz background...... Empty
PostSubject: ......Kirtan and itz background......   ......Kirtan and itz background...... Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2007 1:59 pm

KIRTANa traditional method of teaching spritual ways of life. There are two types, “Naradia” and “Ramdasi”. Kirtan is one of the pillars of Sikhism and in that context refers to the singing of the sacred hymns from the Guru Granth Sahib to set music normally in classical Raags format. The Sikhs place huge value on this type of singing and a Sikh is duty bound to listen and/or sing Guru-Kirtan as frequently as possible.

The Music traditionally has been Indian Classical Music, which is based on Ragas and taal (rhythmic beat patterns). Traditionally the Indian musical instruments the Harmonium and Tabla were used for this type of music. The Sikh Scripture contain 31 Ragas and 17 talas which form the basis for Kirtan music compositions.

The Holy Sikh Scripture, Sri Guru Granth Sahib (“SGGS”) is the main spiritual authority for the Sikhs. The Sikhs hold unique high regards for their Granth (Literally “scripture”), which is treated as a living Guru (“religious master”). When Kirtan is sung, the lyrics are normally lines from Sri Guru Granth Sahib. The Shabads (“Hymns”) of the Sikh Scriptures are primarily arranged in Chapters, which are names of musical Ragas (“ musical theme”). So the main Sikh Holy Scripture is arranged in chapters that bear names of musical ragas. Each of these Ragas is unique and all the Shabads in that Chapter have to be sung in that particular Raga. The title of the Shabad also has a numeric notation, which many believe gives the singers a clear idea of the Tala or musical rhythm or beat that needs to be used for that hymn.
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Number of posts : 81
Age : 38
Localisation : param,ITALY
Registration date : 2007-06-22

......Kirtan and itz background...... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ......Kirtan and itz background......   ......Kirtan and itz background...... Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2007 8:03 pm

gud job
nice ji
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Number of posts : 70
Age : 38
Registration date : 2007-07-23

......Kirtan and itz background...... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ......Kirtan and itz background......   ......Kirtan and itz background...... Icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2007 8:46 am

thanxs g thanxs
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PostSubject: Re: ......Kirtan and itz background......   ......Kirtan and itz background...... Icon_minitime

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